Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Emily Joy. You're 4 and You Are...

So imaginative:
You spend almost every second of rest time making up elaborate stories with your dinosaurs and animals.  I have no idea what's going on in there, but it involves squares of toilet paper made into maps, every dinosaur in a family with it's own species, many different lands, adn lots and lots of conversation between characters.

Sensitive, Intuitive, and kind:
Fun story: One afternoon, we were all playing in the living room, and Dan made a comment that I was annoyed at or frustrated by, or something.  I left the living room somewhat upset (though I probably thought I was covering it up).  You made a pizza out of magnatiles and brought it over to him and said "Daddy.  This is a special pizza.  It's for special pizza day.  Do you know why we have special pizza day?  It's to make mommy happy.  And right now, you are not saying things that make mommy happy."  You proceeded to bring me a slice of the special pizza in the kitchen. Later, at dinner, Dan said something silly that I probably thought was dumb, but innocuous (like "well, what do doctors know?!") and I rolled my eyes. You leaned over to him with a serious look and said "Daddy...did you forget what I said about the pizza?"

This evening, you gave Dan a big hug and said "Oh daddy.  You're the best daddy a daughter could ever have."

You spontaneously give the baby in my tummy hugs.

Methodical and focused:
Your teachers (Mrs. Boredewick and Mrs. Steenken) told me that you always gravitate towards the activities that are set up for building and making things.  You will work on a picture or project for a long time.  And you always have a vision for what you want your end product to be.  You have more vision than I do for what a picture should be.

Also, in your parent teacher conferences, they went through a check list of developmental goals they have for their students.  You hit every single one of them.  Your teachers couldn't believe your vocabulary.  I can't either.

Actually playing with your twin brothers:
It took you almost a year to be able to reliably know which one is which (sorry...they were bald...).  And now you actually enjoy playing games with them.  You climb into their crib with them when they're playing in there and "organize" a game where you all jump, and then fall down.  And they love playing with you.

Love helping:
You love doing anything with me - cooking, art work, getting your food or juice, helping feed your brothers, chasing them when we're outside so I don't loose them.  You're such a fun companion to have around, doing projects with your dad.  You're even decent at cleaning up when I give you good directions.

Tough as nails:
About once a week, you'll fall, or get tackled by a brother, or something, and Dan and I will look at eachother, holding our breathe, anticipating the wail.  And you'll just pop back up, smiling, and say "It's ok.  I'm tough."

Almost every morning, you come out of your room, a bit groggy, and just collapse into my lap.  It's the sweetest, most wonderful moment.

Completely insane when you wake up in the middle of the night:
Seriously.  There's no amount of logic or reasoning, or calming down.  It's like we have to ride a wave of crazy for about 15 minutes.  Then something completely switches and you're fine.

Speaking of sleeping, you are currently sleeping in a zoo of stuffed animals:
3 bunnies, 2 owls (From Kiki and Mrs. Nancy), a Texas long horn (from Aunt Sally), a puffin (from Dan's trip to Iceland), and, of course, a T-Rex (from Kiki)

Saying really funny things:
Often when you say something that doesn't quite make sense, you follow it up with "Just trying to kid!" or "Just trying to joke!"

You were trying to tear a square of toilet paper off and said "I can't observe where the line is".

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