Tuesday, July 26, 2005

hitting kim

Today I hit my roomate in the head with a big walkie talkie radio thing. I'm not sure what they're called technically, but they're the kind that construction workers carry around. It was big. She was laying around across the room from me when someone called for her, so I picked it up and tossed it to her. The general area I had to throw it to was about 2 feet wide, and her head was taking up a good amount of that, so really there was only about 1 foot of space where i could throw it that it wouldn't hit her head. I didn't play any hand eye coordination sports growing up, I've NEVER been able to throw or bat with any kind of precision, so I don't know why I thought that I could throw a stinking radio right where I wanted to across a room. So it smacked her straight on her eyebrow. It was one of those times that just makes you painfully aware of your own humanity becaues despite all your best intentions of loving, you wind up hurting someone. I didn't want to hit her, I was trying to help her so that she didn't have to get up and walk across the room. Well, I might have been avoiding getting out of my bed, but you know, whatever. Still, for some reason, wether it was because of my own really bad throwing abilities or because there was a sudden draft from the air conditioning, it ended up hurting someone I love pretty badly. It made her cry...I made her cry. I guess I'm just amazed at how much of a capacity we all have for wounding the people around us.

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